Red Cross Cookbook 1917

Red Cross Cookbook 1917, Oxford, Nova Scotia

   CCGS Publication Number 5    Price   $10.00+ S & H
   ISBN 0-97336430-7-8
   70 pages, indexed
   5 1/2″ X 8 1/2″

This wonderful cookbook not only contains unique recipes, but also has names of contributors who submitted the recipes. Is your grandma’s favorite recipe here?

Dispersed throughout the cookbook are ads for local businesses, which have been scanned to capture the same image which appeared in the original cookbook. An index of all the contributors, along with an index of the advertisers has been added to this reprinted cookbook (see below).

Recipe categories are: Bread, Rolls & Muffins; Candies; Drinks; Puddings and Creams; Salads; Cakes; Cookies; Pies; Supper and Luncheon Dishes; and Pickles & Preserves.

Reprinted by Cumberland County Genealogical Society with permission from Red Cross

Price + shipping & handling is extra

Listing of all contributors and advertisers included in this cookbook:

Contributor Index Advertiser Index
Amos M. C.
Amos Mrs.
Archibald  Robt. Mrs.
Baird A. E. Mrs.
Baird Vera M.
Baker Leigh Mrs.
Bent Ernest Mrs.
Bent F. F. Mrs.
Bissett Geo Mrs.
Black C. O. Mrs.
Black E. Mrs.
Blair C. T. Mrs.
Blair W. A. Mrs.
Brannon L. L. Mrs.
Burke Mrs.
Chapman Mrs.
Cheese Mabel B.
Colburn V. Mrs.
Copp F. Mrs.
Davis C. H. Mrs.
Davis W. H. Mrs.
DeWolfe J. A. Mrs.
DeWolfe Mrs.
Dixon Seldon Mrs.
Farrow Marion
Fraser Hugh Mrs.
G., C. A.
Gilroy J. R. Mrs.
Gilroy Wiley Mrs
Glennie H. L.
Glennie T. C. Mrs.
Gordon Baker Mrs.
Gordon C. A.
Graham Agnes L.
Grey Ruth Mrs.
Haigh A. Mrs.
Hayden Mrs.
Henderson E.
Hewson A. S. Mrs.
Hewson Annie T.
Hewson Ida
Hickman J. S. Mrs.
Highet J. Mrs.
Highet Jas Mrs.
Hills Cecil Mrs.
Hills J. Mrs.
Hills John Mrs.
Hills May Mrs.
Hingley A. M. Mrs.
Hue E. A.
Hue L. S. Mrs.
Hunter A. E. Mrs.
Hunter S. E. Mrs.
Hutcheson Mrs.
Jackman C. H. Mrs.
Jamieson Robt. Mrs.
Johnson Corey Mrs.
Johnson M. N. Mrs.
Johnson T. M. Mrs.
Kelly Miss
King Alice M.
Knowlton M. Mrs.
Langille H. R. Mrs.
LeCain Capt.
Leslie C. Mrs.
Lowther C. H.
M, A. G.
MacDonald W. S.
MacGrath M.
Mackintosh A. S. Mrs.
Mackintosh E. H. Mrs.
Mackintosh Geo. Mrs.
Marchant S. A. Mrs.
McCormack J. C. Mrs.
McDonald Mrs.
McDougall E. B. Mrs.
McElmon Rene
McGrath Mrs.
McLean E.
McLellan T. W. Mrs.
Miller W. M. Mrs.
Mitchell Mrs. John
Moore Mrs. A.
Myatt Mrs. A.
Myatt Frank Mrs.
Myers Leo Mrs.
Oxley Geo Mrs.
Patton S. B. Mrs.
Reid S. J. Mrs.
Ross John Mrs.
Ross Alex Mrs.
Reid Oressa
Salter Mrs.
Schurman J. J. Mrs.
Slade Peter Mrs.
Smith C. Mrs.
Smith Stewart Mrs.
Stewart D. Mrs.
Stonehouse A. E. Mrs.
Sutherland Alex Mrs.
Sutherland A. A Mrs.
Swan Mrs.
Swan M. A. Mrs.
Thompson Clarence Mrs.
Thompson Nellie
Thompson R. S. Mrs.
Thompson T. Mrs.
Thompson T.W. Mrs.
Thornthwaite Mrs.
Umlah Mrs.
Umlah R. Mrs.
Umlah Robt. Mrs.
VanAmburg Mrs.
VanAmburg R. T. Mrs.
W., A. S. Mrs.
W., H.T.
Webb Geo. Mrs.
Wood B. J.
Wood D. G. Mrs.
Wood H. Mrs.
Wright W. J. Mrs.
Johnson, M.N.
Ross, Alex
Black, C. Guy
Hills, J.E.
Smith, A.E.
Brannon’s Hair Dressing Parlor
St. Lawrence Flour Mills Co., Ltd.
Copp’s Millinery
Davis and Swan
Peel, E.I. and Son
Wood & Thompson
Dunsmore, Wm. & Son
Wood, D.G.
Hickman, J.S. & Son
Scotia Woodworkers, Ltd.
Bent, L. & Son
Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Limited
Anthony Millinery Parlors
Black, W. & Son
Oxford Journal
Oxford Manfg. Co., Ltd.
Patton, H.A.
Miller, Murdoch A.
Horton Flour