For twenty-four years our organization has never had a fund raiser - so now we would like to ask your help in raising the funds to buy a microfilm reader/printer and the available microfilm reels of newspapers for Cumberland County. We are a registered charitable organization and will issue tax receipts for your donation. Please HELP US REACH OUR GOAL. Please contact our office if you need further details. Donations or payments may be made by cheque, or e-Transfer to archives@ccgsns.com or through Paypal by hitting the Donate Button, above - please add a note to say it is for the microfilm reader/printer. Or drop by the office Friday - Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00 PM [Winter hours.]
Come visit Friday & Saturday afternoon from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Meetings are always open to the public, so please come join your local family Genealogical Society, which has been serving Cumberland County for the past 24 years. Research your heritage and find new relatives. Learn about what times your parents, grandparents and other ancestors, lived through, where, when, how, education, religion, occupations, etc.
Email: "archives@ccgsns.com" or Call: 902-661-7278
Surname Registry – D
Surnames are listed in alphabetical order. Click on the first letter of the name you are researching.
DACRES – Margaret, Parrsboro, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Greg Brown Jan-03
DALTON – William, b. 1900?, Amherst, Cumb. Co., NS (moved from Shemogue NB)
Submitted by Gregory Dalton Aug-09
DAVISON – Cecilia Augusta, d. ca.1871, Parrsboro Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Cathy MacKenzie Apr-01
DAVISON – Sarah, b. 12 Apr 1869, Cumberland County, NS
Submitted by Joan Hearty Mar-07
DAWSON – Jane M., d. 22-Mar-06, Tidnish, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Karen Hamilton Aug-01
DEBAIE – Cumberland Co., NS
Submitted by Carol Tower May-01
DEBAIE – Cumberland County, NS
Submitted by Carol-Ann Barrett Jun-05
DEERY/DERRY – George, Amherst, Cumb. Co., NS 1860/70’s
Submitted by Judith P. Burns Aug-02
DEFORREST – Isaac, b. abt 1801, Cumb. Co., NS; CT & NY, USA
Submitted by Sandee Bennett Mar-06
DELANEY – Stephen Rufus, d. 22-Jan-63, died Halifax, NS
Submitted by Heather McLean Oct-03
DELHUNTY – David, b. 1834, Nova Scotia
Submitted by Aline Jun-03
DEMINGS – Portugal & NS
Submitted by Carl O.Demings Aug-01
DICKEY (DICKIE) – Margaret, b. 1758, d. 1839,
Submitted by Suzyqe101 Apr-11
DICKIE – Priscilla, b. 1862, d. 1930, Mount Pleasant, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Frederic Smith Feb-07
DOBSON – Arthur, b. 16 Mar 1870, d. 01-Jul-45, b. Sussex, NB d. Amherst, NS
Submitted by Barb Reid Oct-01
DONCASTER – Cumberland Co., NS
Submitted by Bonnie J.Trembley Mar-01
Submitted by Cathy Mazur Dec-08
DONCASTER – Frank Lester, b. 1882, d. 1952, Cumberland County, NS
Submitted by Peter Chapman Jan-06
DONKIN – Ernest Augustus, Amherst, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Carol Bierman Aug-03
DOTTON – Thomas P., b. 1821 Germany, Wallace, Cumb. County, NS
Submitted by Kim L. Gates 9/2017
DOW – Mary Jane, b. 1818, d. 1861, Dilligent River, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Barb VanderRoest Nov-01
DOWNING – Michael, Cumb. Co. > NB
Submitted by Wendy Whelen Feb-09
DOYLE – Joseph, b. 1814, d. 1893, Amherst Head
Submitted by John Doyle Mar-15
DRYDEN – William, b. 1841, d. ca.1891, b. Halifax, lived Parrsboro, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Andy Hopper Jan-02
DUNHAM – Asher, b. 15 Jul 1744, d. abt.1803, Parrsboro,Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by George “Tom” Dunham Sep-08
DUNN – Eleanor F., bur. River Hebert, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Bev Sumpter Apr-01
DUNN – Jane Elisabeth, Cumberland Co., NS
Submitted by Bev Sumpter Apr-01
DUNN – John William, arrival c.1790, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Bev Sumpter Apr-01
DUNSMORE – William, b. 1850, d. 1928, born Scotland, & Oxford, Cumb. Co., NS
Submitted by Nanci Graves Sep-08
DWYER – Augus, Cumberland Co., NS
Submitted by Ann Dampier Aug-06